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Holiday Specials

A Very Merry Christmas
Christmas is indeed the most magical time of the year. Children wait for it with delight, and even busy, overworked adults are encouraged by the bright lights, gift giving, and time with family and friends.
But all the busyness can certainly add to stress. With all the parties and planning, the Christmas season can be overwhelming. It seems like if there are so many things to do and not enough time to do them. “A Very Merry Christmas” is chock-full of ideas to help you maximize the use of your time so you can really enjoy this Christmas season without getting caught up in all the hustle and bustle.
There are many things to consider during the holiday season, so you may need some help in planning your activities during this time. “A Very Merry Christmas” will show you exactly what you need to do. You’ll get practical help in these areas:
Creative things to do on Christmas day
Ways to help those less fortunate
How to plan the perfect party
Christmas parties for kids
How to decorate your home
Sample Christmas meal tips
Advice on gift giving
Help on holiday travel
Christmas and the recession
And much more

Christmas Holidays : Ideas For Fun & Celebrations
Christmas: The Season of Good Will. A special time for family and friends to enjoy the festive fun; celebrations, parties, presents and something for everyone.
Know how to organize the best Christmas surprise everyone with a superb party & new Christmas ideas from the traditional to the contempary.
The e-book has been specially designed for the Christmas enthusiasts. It offers to cherish the traditions and at the same gives you new fun ideas for celebrating Christmas.

Family Christmas Traditions
As any parent could attest, bedtime stories are a sure fire way to get your little ones excited about going to bed. What better way to ring in the holidays than to trade out the standard Mother Goose for the holiday friendly Father Christmas?
As a child, all of my siblings and I would gather in bed on Christmas eve and my mother would read the passage from Luke chapter 5 about the birth of Jesus.
Although by age five I could quote the entire passage from memory, there was something about the warmth of being cuddled up next to my older sisters as we shared in our anticipation for the big day, and the comfort of knowing that every year, no matter where we were, at nine o'clock on Christmas eve, we would be together and hearing our mother's familiar voice read aloud that ancient text.
It made such an impression on me that I have now begun to carry out that beloved tradition with my family.
So what story books do I recommend? The first and probably the most obvious is “ 'Twas the Night Before Christmas'.“ We've all heard this rhyme about a million times, but its repetition and familiarity is what makes it perfect for a holiday tradition.

Family Christmas Recipes
Christmas is the perfect time of year to over-indulge in all of your favorite foods. Most people get excited about confections and baked goods this time of year. Here are a few recipes.
Christmas Stuffing with Bacon
Fig And Orange Glazed Ham
Brussels Sprouts with Chestnuts, Pancetta and Parsley
Creamed Onion Gratin
Broiled Porterhouse with Roasted Garlic and Lemon
Carrot and Ruby Red Velvet Cakes and more.
Family Hanukkah Recipes
Fried in oil in recognition of the ancient lamps that held only enough oil for one day but miraculously burned for eight, latkes, or potato pancakes, are a traditional Hanukkah dish.
Vegetable Latkes
Short Ribs
Roasted Halibut
Olive Oil and Walnut Cake
Cheese Stuffed Olives
Sweet Brisket
Decorated Hanukkah Cookies
Cauliflower Latkes
Roast Chicken with Wild Rice Dressing

How to take the Stress out of Christmas
Don't Let The Stress and Worry Ruin Your Christmas, Help Is At Hand To Help You Relax and Have Fun Over The Holidays!
Stop stressing and start enjoying this time of the year! Here's What You Will Find In This Guide:
How to shop for gifts stress free
How to decorate stress free
How to find Christmas activities that the ENTIRE FAMILY will enjoy
Tips on baking and cooking easy Christmas cookies and dinners
How to learn to start new traditions for you and your family
And a lot more!
What a concept! Actually enjoying a holiday that is meant to be enjoyed!

Overcoming Seasonal Anxiety
For those of us already suffering from anxiety, the holiday season presents its own special challenges. Typically, anxiety increases during this time as the weight of expectation and seemingly endless ‘to do’ list combine to provoke or intensify symptoms.
In this report you will learn how to both recognise and manage symptoms of seasonal anxiety. You will find out the best ways to cope in otherwise stressful family and social situations and you will come away equipped with knowledge and exercises that will enable you to successfully deal with anxiety at any time of year.

15 Holiday Weight Loss Tips
Keep those fat cells from making it on to your Christmas list this year!
No other time during the year are you more susceptible to gaining weight than during the winter holidays. . .cold weather + calorie packed foods = weight gain. Discover the 15 best & easiest ways to keep yourself trim this holiday season in this ebook.
Being fit all year round doesn't have to be a fantasy. Make your wish a reality with these easy to implement fat busting tips!
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